sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009

Update May 2009

"Asociación Esfuerzos Humanitarios de Quepos"
> Ced. # 3-002-478009

> Goal: Serve and glorify our God, serve the greater community of Quepos/Manuel Antonio and serve the addicted and or homeless community here in this immediate area.
> Purpose: is to restore, to the extent possible, persons among this homeless population to their fruitful places in society - to begin again to be productive and healthy members of their families and their communities.

> Update Dec. 2008/April. 2009 For the year we have had an average of 10 men living in the house. Today there is seven. There are four that have graduated and now are living at home and growing. 2 have stayed to become leaders in the program. The program consists of biblical studies, physical healing and disciplines, community and family reintegration, household duties, community service, work projects, IAFA counselors among others. The house we are renting is affectionately called the House of Love (Casa de Amor).

> Jimmy Vargas is doing great as the hands-on director. In addition, Jared and his wife Eileen continue to work hard to help them grow. They help in all aspects of the program. Jared, called Moses by the men in the center, is volunteering and is a welcome friend. Brian is also scheduled to come June 17. He is a volunteer who will stay at least three months. There is another in process who might run the entire program. They have several years of experience and we look forward to their involvement. There are others that are planning on coming to join us. We need more laborers'.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Foto 2007

Foto con el Minsitro de turismo
Carlos Ricardo Benavides

Junta Directiva 2009

Presidente John K. Stilwell
Vice Pre "Marchena" FerminCaravaca Ortega
Secretaria Denisse Valerin Fernandez
Vocal Juan Luis Castro Solano
Oficial de Finanzas Gilberth Cruz Jimenez

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Inicio Web 26 Abril 2009

Casa de Amor es parte de Esfuerzos Humanitarios Quepos
Organizacion sin fines de lucro para ayudar a personas que necesitan de la mano de Dios
Ubicado en la ciudad de Quepos, Canton de Aguirre, Puntarenas Costa Rica

Fundada y Dirigida por los señores Kim & Laura Stilwell
Para mas informes escribir a losstilwells@ice.co.cr
Telefono: ( 506 ) 2777-0249